Chinese Animal Signs

Update: February 2019

1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
Noble & chivalrous. Your friends will be life long, yet you are prone to impulsiveness
Famous Pigs: Chiang Kai-Shek, Tennessee Williams
Albert Schweitzer, Georges Pompidou, Henry Kissinger,
Kim Jong –Un, Hillary Clinton, M Pence

1936,1948,1960,1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Born leaders, ambitious, honest, free spending, has many friends
Famous Rats:Shakespeare, Princes Charles & Andrew , Richard Nixon,
Louis Armstrong, Andrew Lloyd Weber ,

1937,1949,1961,1973.1985,1997, 2009, 2021
Bright, patient & inspiring to others, you can be happy by yourself
Famous Oxen: Napoleon, Charlie Chaplin, Nehru, Margaret Mead,Princess Di, Barak Obama

1938,1950,1962,1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
Aggressive, courageous, candid & sensitive
Famous Tigers: Charles DeGaulle, Beethoven, Sun Yat-Sen, Ho Chih Minh

1939,1951,1963, 1975, 1987,1999, 2011, 2023
Luckiest of all signs. Talented & articulate. Affectionate, yet shy. Seeks peace
Famous Rabbits: Bob Hope, Tiger Woods, Leonardo Di Capprio

1940, 1952,1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
Eccentric & your life is complex. Passionate nature & abundant health.
Famous Dragons: Helen Keller, Pearl Buck, John Lennon
Salvador Dali, Francios Mitterrand, Hosni Mubarak, Nancy Pelosi, Vladimir Putin

1929,1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
Wise & intense, tends to be beautiful, vain & high tempered
Famous Snakes: MaoTse-tong., Gandhi, Ferdinand Marcos, Abe Lincoln, Martin
Luther King, Grace Kelly, Jackie Kennedy, Edgar A Poe, Tony Blair, Bob Dylan

1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978,1990, 2002, 2014, 2026
Popular & attractive to opposite sex. Often ostentatious & impatient. You need people.
Famous Horses: Billy Graham, Barbara Streisand, Joseph Haydn
Nelson Mandela, Igor Stranvinsky , Michael Cohen, Angela Merkel

1931,1943, 1955, 1967,1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027
Elegant & creative, timid & prefer anonymity
Famous Sheep/Goats: Boris Yelsin, Gorbachev, Toni Morrison,
Kate Hepburn, Lawrence Olivier

1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2006, 2028
Very intelligent & able to influence people. Enthusiastic achiever, easily discouraged & confused.
Famous Monkeys: Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Taylor, Eleanor Roosevelt, Leonardo Da Vinci, Lyndon Johnson,Theresa May, Robert Mueller, Jared Kushner

1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2007, 2029
A pioneer in spirit, devoted to work & quest after knowledge. Often selfish & eccentric.
Famous Roosters: D. H. Lawrence, John Glen, Yoko Ono, Emperor Akihito, Peter Ustknov, Deborah Kerr

1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2008, 2030
Loyal & honest, works well with others. Generous, yet stubborn. Often selfish
Famous Dogs: Ben Franklin, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson,
Mother Theresa, Yitzhak Rabin, King Gustaf, Zhou En-Lai , D.Trump

The Rat
Years of the Rat:

18 February 1912 – 5 February 1913
5 February 1924 – 23 January 1925
24 January 1936 – 10 February 1937
10 February 1948 – 28 January 1949
28 January 1960 – 14 February 1961
15 February 1972 – 2 February 1973
2 February 1984 – 19 February 1985
19 February 1996 – 6 February 1997

The Ox
Years of the Ox:
6 February 1913 – 25 January 1914
24 January 1925 – 12 February 1926
11 February 1937 – 30 January 1938
29 January 1949 – 16 February 1950
15 February 1961 – 4 February 1962
3 February 1973 – 22 January 1974
20 February 1985 – 8 February 1986
7 February 1997 – 27 January 1998

The Tiger
Years of the Tiger :
26 January 1914 – 13 February 1915
13 February 1926 – 1 February 1927
31 January 1938 – 18 February 1939
17 February 1950 – 5 February 1951
5 February 1962 – 24 January 1963
23 January 1974 – 10 February 1975
9 February 1986 – 28 January 1987
28 January 1998 – 15 February 1999

The Rabbit
Years of the Rabbit :
29 January 1903 – 15 February 1904
14 February 1915 – 2 February 1916
2 February 1927 – 22 January 1928
19 February 1939 – 7 February 1940
6 February 1951 – 26 January 1952
25 January 1963 – 12 February 1964
11 February 1975 – 30 January 1976
29 January 1987 – 16 February 1988
16 February 1999 – 4 February 2000

The Dragon
Years of the Dragon :
16 February 1904 – 3 February 1905
3 February 1916 – 22 January 1917
23 January 1928 – 9 February 1929
8 February 1940 – 26 January 1941
27 January 1952 – 13 February 1953
13 February 1964 – 1 February 1965
31 January 1976 – 17 February 1977
17 February 1988 – 5 February 1989
5 February 2000 – 23 January 2001

The Snake
Years of the Snake:
4 February 1905 – 24 January 1906
23 January 1917 – 10 February 1918
10 February 1929 – 29 January 1930
27 January 1941 – 14 February 1942
14 February 1953 – 2 February 1954
2 February 1965 – 20 January 1966
18 February 1977 – 6 February 1978
6 February 1989 – 26 January 1990
24 January 2001 – 11 February 2002

The Horse
Years of the Horse:
25 January 1906 – 12 February 1907
11 February 1918 – 31 January 1919
30 January 1930 – 16 February 1931
15 February 1942 – 4 February 1943
3 February 1954 – 23 January 1955
21 January 1966 – 8 February 1967
7 February 1978 – 27 January 1979
27 January 1990 – 14 February 1991
12 February 2002 – 31 January 2003

The Goat
Years of the Goat:
13 February 1907 – 1 February 1908
1 February 1919 – 19 February 1920
17 February 1931 – 5 February 1932
5 February 1943 – 24 January 1944
24 January 1955 – 11 February 1956
9 February 1967 – 29 January 1968
28 January 1979 – 15 February 1980
15 February 1991 – 3 February 1992
1 February 2003 – 21 January 2004

The Monkey
Years of the Monkey:
2 February 1908 – 21 January 1909
20 February 1920 – 7 February 1921
6 February 1932 – 25 January 1933
25 January 1944 – 12 February 1945
12 February 1956 – 30 January 1957
30 January 1968 – 16 February 1969
16 February 1980 – 4 February 1981
4 February 1992 – 22 January 1993
22 January 2004 – 8 February 2005

The Rooster
Years of the Rooster:
22 January 1909 – 9 February 1910
8 February 1921 – 27 January 1922
26 January 1933 – 13 February 1934
13 February 1945 – 1 February 1946
31 January 1957 – 17 February 1958
17 February 1969 – 5 February 1970
5 February 1981 – 24 January 1982
23 January 1993 – 9 February 1994
9 February 2005 – 28 January 2006

The Dog
Years of the Dog:
10 February 1910 – 29 January 1911
28 January 1922 – 15 February 1923
14 February 1934 – 3 February 1935
2 February 1946 – 21 January 1947
18 February 1958 – 7 February 1959
6 February 1970 – 26 January 1971
25 January 1982 – 12 February 1983
10 February 1994 – 30 January 1995
29 January2006 – 17 February 2007

The Pig
Years of the Pig:
30 January 1911 – 17 February 1912
16 February 1923 – 4 February 1924
4 February 1935 – 23 January 1936
22 January 1947 – 9 February 1948
8 February 1959 – 27 January 1960
27 January 1971 – 14 February 1972
13 February 1983 – 1 February 1984
31 January 1995 – 18 February 1996
18 February 2007 – 6 February 2008

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