Halloween Highlights Haunted Houses

This Halloween even HGTV is talking about haunted houses
Here is a link to what realtors are saying about selling one, living in one

I have to admit that in the 1970’s. I was looking for a house in Kentucky. I had an appointment to see a very desirable, what seemed a perfect place for us at an incredibly low price. I was talking to a local person and mentioned this place, did she know it? I was new in town. She told me that this was a home of a high profile suicide. No more details necessary. I got a chill, thanked her, called the realtor and canceled seeing it..

Paranormal activities are topics for many tv shows, even The View 10/27, other talk shows
“Ghosts” on CBS, the Travel channel and numerous internet sites.
Why this interest in paranormal trending now?
It’s Halloween

Ghosts residents have always been big draws for hotels, public and some private places wanting attention and amusement, more are capitalizing on it

It’s a sign of the post pandemic, unstable times.

Disturbances in other parts of the world (war in Ukraine) send energies that affect us all.

We are seeking another realm/ dimension.

In America, we have relatively new buildings and recent construction.Imagine the energies that may have accumulated in the old structures of Europe, Asia, the Middle East and any ancient places still standing for hundreds, if not thousands of years!
If these spirits could linger for very long in these ancient nations full of history the old world countries would be very crowded.

Published by

Pam Tollefson

Owner of Feng Shui Design, serving Chicago, Madison, and Milwaukee Metro areas.

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